Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Snark Darn Near Writes Itself

by Tom Bozzo

1. Sen. Kohl and Alberto Gonzales:

"Would you please explain to us why the administration of justice and the American people would not be better served by somebody sitting in the office who does not have all of the problems that you possess with respect to believability, credibility, confidence, trust?" asked Sen. Herb Kohl, D-Wis.

"Ultimately I have to decide whether or not it would be better for me to leave or just stay and try to fix the problems," Gonzales said with a rueful smile. "I've decided to stay and fix the problems." [emphasis added]

Uh, who's that "Decider" again?

2. Fred Thompson

[H]is presidential operation will be run by the duo of former senator and energy secretary Spencer Abraham and a Florida GOP strategist, Randy Enright, according to Rozett.

That's incumbent loser to Debbie Stabenow Spencer "Senator Lunkhead" Abraham to you. I await news that one of the GOP hopefuls has hired Bob Shrum.

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