Monday, November 01, 2004
Our Prince's Turn as a Frog
by Tom Bozzo
Nina was asking about trick-or-treat pictures. We did not actually trick-or-treat this year. On Friday, the destruction and reconstruction of our street reached the point of partial sidewalk removal, adding a degree of treacherousness to the already arduous task of steering a two-year-old from house to house. So John served as costumed greeter to the early trick-or-treaters. Fortunately, the couple of just-preteen boys with hideous monster masks didn't knock until he had already gone to bed.
The road and sidewalk work suppressed the Halloween turnout even relative to the low level our neighbors had primed us to expect. Those that showed up got multiple pieces of candy and we were still massively overstocked. To avoid needless waistline growth, I may fob some of the excess off on my colleagues. Maybe.

Nina was asking about trick-or-treat pictures. We did not actually trick-or-treat this year. On Friday, the destruction and reconstruction of our street reached the point of partial sidewalk removal, adding a degree of treacherousness to the already arduous task of steering a two-year-old from house to house. So John served as costumed greeter to the early trick-or-treaters. Fortunately, the couple of just-preteen boys with hideous monster masks didn't knock until he had already gone to bed.
The road and sidewalk work suppressed the Halloween turnout even relative to the low level our neighbors had primed us to expect. Those that showed up got multiple pieces of candy and we were still massively overstocked. To avoid needless waistline growth, I may fob some of the excess off on my colleagues. Maybe.