Thursday, December 22, 2005
The Road To A Holiday Card: Herding Cats
by Tom Bozzo

Um, Julia, could you look at the camera?

Could you both look at the camera (and not Mr. Rogers)?

I'll take this "say cheese" business under advisement.

Amazingly, a picture that was, if not suitable, then at least a superior alternative to sending out holiday=Easter/Passover cards, did get taken. Holiday card pixies should see something in the mail no later than the first week of '06. If you are not a holiday card pixie but would like to be one, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
"Would you take Thomas out of your mouth, little boy?"

Um, Julia, could you look at the camera?

Could you both look at the camera (and not Mr. Rogers)?

I'll take this "say cheese" business under advisement.

Amazingly, a picture that was, if not suitable, then at least a superior alternative to sending out holiday=Easter/Passover cards, did get taken. Holiday card pixies should see something in the mail no later than the first week of '06. If you are not a holiday card pixie but would like to be one, leave a comment or send me an e-mail.
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No butter spritz pics this year? Woudn't that get some smiles? Merry Christmas - hope to see you all soon.
We had other cookies in stock -- between one thing and another, we didn't get around to the spritz. Fortunately, my mother will have plenty.
MC and see you soon!
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MC and see you soon!
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