Sunday, November 07, 2004

Sunday Morning Retrospective: More Market Saturday

by Tom Bozzo

After our circuit of the market, we retained enough toddler credit, courtesy of the scone, to pop down State St. to show Uncle Mike and Aunt Angie (Suzanne's next two younger sibs) Overture Hall. While there, we caught enough of Yid Vicious (local klezmer band, playing Kids in the Crossroads) through the ground floor oculus overlooking the Rotunda Stage to thence pop across the street to take a quick look at the Lee Weiss: Recent Watercolors exhibit at the Fanny Garver gallery. It also didn't hurt that we also had the additional distraction capacity along. The exhibition was a bit low on Weiss's signature botanical images, though if we had $3,000 in the Decorative Arts line of the household budget, we probably could have found something to our liking. Some rock images in the collection, though, struck us as a bit too monochromatic.

By that point, we had the pregame warmup between us and home. Among the bad choices available to us, we opted for the dense but mostly moving stream of cars on University, which was probably the slower route on balance. I tend to prefer Regent St. for the pure 'beer and circuses' spectacle, though.
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