Saturday, January 08, 2005

Is That a Threat or a Promise?

by Tom Bozzo

Isthmus reports that Madison Alderperson Austin King faces a challenge from Kimia Lounge owner Kami Esraghi, who is upset over the newly increased city minimum wage (which King proposed) and the proposed citywide smoking ban (which King supports). Esraghi says:

It's [the smoking ban] horrible, and it hurts our businesses. We'll lose several of our bars. [Emphasis added.]

Oh. My. God.

If there's one thing Madison conspicuously doesn't lack, it's bars.

While selected bars admittedly provide some entertainment even to certain of us who don't actually drink at them, I nevertheless think you could replace "several" with an appropriate integer, smite that number of bars completely at random, and after a week nobody would notice the difference.
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