Saturday, June 18, 2005
Saturday Garden Extra
by Tom Bozzo
Here's a shot, from our pre-delivery inspection of the house, of the pre-existing conditions in front:

Two words: big shrubs (the burning bush on the far left survived).
The hose shows the soon-to-be front edge of the bed. The plan will eventually take the plantings all the way to the sidewalk, but we aren't going that far while we have small children running around the front yard.

And after a f***ing miserable weekend of digging (last weekend, when it was beastly hot and humid). When the bed expands further, I'm contracting this work out.
Here's the aftermath, with the Heuchera ('coral bells') in place in the background. The Heuchera will be joined by Dicentra 'luxuriant' — a long-blooming bleeding heart — and Tiarella ('foamflower').

The basic composition of shrubs is present on both sides of the front steps. The designer says this is more formal than usual for him, though in line with the house's symmetrical and relatively formal facade.

Flanking the steps, a baby Viburnum 'spiced bouquet,' whose future appearance can be seen here. The name reflects a note to the flowers' scent, and it adds color to the front in the fall.

The big picture. There's a house behind there, after all. And I'm glad to be in a neighborhood where merely mowing, as opposed to dealing chemically with the expanses of blooming clover that can just be made out below, puts us in the upper tail of the yard-care distribution.
What could be more bloggy than pictures of new gardens? Nothing, say some of us in the social sciencesphere. And our previously blogged-about front design is well under way to becoming verdant reality.
Here's a shot, from our pre-delivery inspection of the house, of the pre-existing conditions in front:

Two words: big shrubs (the burning bush on the far left survived).
The hose shows the soon-to-be front edge of the bed. The plan will eventually take the plantings all the way to the sidewalk, but we aren't going that far while we have small children running around the front yard.

And after a f***ing miserable weekend of digging (last weekend, when it was beastly hot and humid). When the bed expands further, I'm contracting this work out.
Here's the aftermath, with the Heuchera ('coral bells') in place in the background. The Heuchera will be joined by Dicentra 'luxuriant' — a long-blooming bleeding heart — and Tiarella ('foamflower').

The basic composition of shrubs is present on both sides of the front steps. The designer says this is more formal than usual for him, though in line with the house's symmetrical and relatively formal facade.

Flanking the steps, a baby Viburnum 'spiced bouquet,' whose future appearance can be seen here. The name reflects a note to the flowers' scent, and it adds color to the front in the fall.

The big picture. There's a house behind there, after all. And I'm glad to be in a neighborhood where merely mowing, as opposed to dealing chemically with the expanses of blooming clover that can just be made out below, puts us in the upper tail of the yard-care distribution.