Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Miscellaneous Picture Wednesday: The Missing Madison Landmark
by Tom Bozzo
The new Dane County courthouse, the tan building partly visible in the left background, has taken flak for blocking views of the Wisconsin Capitol from the John Nolen Drive approach to downtown — not to mention being a piece of crap public architecture. But here as seen from the lake, the Monona Terrace hotel (behind the right wing of Monona Terrace) does a crackerjack job of hiding the city's major landmark.

The new Dane County courthouse, the tan building partly visible in the left background, has taken flak for blocking views of the Wisconsin Capitol from the John Nolen Drive approach to downtown — not to mention being a piece of crap public architecture. But here as seen from the lake, the Monona Terrace hotel (behind the right wing of Monona Terrace) does a crackerjack job of hiding the city's major landmark.