Friday, April 07, 2006
Ducks In Rows
by Tom Bozzo

- Creation of the new Marginal Utility continues with a post from new team member Kim. Kim is a sociology professor and fellow parent to a child obsessed with Thomas the Frickin' Tank Engine. I'll just add to Ken's welcome and say, write early and often!
- Two reasons why I'm not holding my breath for the Singularity: (1) P3n1s 3n1ar6ement spam (except remarkably uncoded given modern spam filter-avoidance methodogy), deposited straight into my inbox! (2) Transmission of a lovingly edited Microsoft Word file, from me (Gmail account) to me (work), deposited straight into my junk e-mail folder. Why oh why can't my gigamips-class computers deal with this?
- Friday non-random one. Can a Duran Duran/Roxy Music homage band's work be Just The Right Thing for the end of a work week that makes one think that a career in organic farming would be a good change of pace? Yes. (MP3)
- Save the (LEGO) trains! If this isn't what the "long tail" is all about, I don't know what is. (Note, my highly self-interested position is one of having a major investment in the LEGO 9V railway system.)
- Friday Toddler Extra! My grandmother (a faithful reader) reminded me that I haven't posted a picture of Julia without a pacifier in her mouth in a long time. Heck, I'll throw in a bonus picture of Shaggy John at the Twin City Model Railroad Museum.

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You're not the only blogger who has no patience for Thomas. See
item 4 at Her nickname
is (a bit) less sharp: Thomas The Conformist, Pansy-Ass Tank Engine.
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item 4 at Her nickname
is (a bit) less sharp: Thomas The Conformist, Pansy-Ass Tank Engine.
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