Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Bunnies!
by Tom Bozzo

John, 2 years ago:

The kids were just about the same age in the pictures.
Amazingly, the enormous hail that whacked the cars didn't beat the crap out of our up-springing plants. Rather, the warm and wet weather has made them very happy. Here's last week's little dicentra as seen this morning, its first round of flowers already on their way.
Julia, this morning:

John, 2 years ago:

The kids were just about the same age in the pictures.
Amazingly, the enormous hail that whacked the cars didn't beat the crap out of our up-springing plants. Rather, the warm and wet weather has made them very happy. Here's last week's little dicentra as seen this morning, its first round of flowers already on their way.