Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Quote of the Day
by Ken Houghton
Any resemblance to the general market for motorized vehicles is left as an Exercise to the Reader, who is advised to also click-through the link above to see the practical changes Lux suggested to the Farm Bill.
Lawrance G. Lux, friend of a gentleman farmer:
The multitude of Farmers confront a technologically controlled Market for their Needs; be it Equipment, Seed, Fertilizer, Transportation, or Finance. Farmers have for years called for more Fuel-efficient, smaller, less-Expensive equipment suited to their actual Needs. Check the Market for how closely the incorporated Suppliers have listened to their Demands. [emphasis mine]
Any resemblance to the general market for motorized vehicles is left as an Exercise to the Reader, who is advised to also click-through the link above to see the practical changes Lux suggested to the Farm Bill.